Monday, 20 November 2017

Perspectives of Postmodernism Word Definitions

Normativity-  Its relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, especially of behaviour.
Binary opposition-It’s a relation between the members of a pair of linguistic items, as a pair of distinctive features.
Deconstruction- A method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language which emphasizes the internal workings of language and conceptual systems
Difference- A point or way in which people or things are dissimilar
Rein scribe- To re-establish or rename in a new and especially stronger form or context
Cognitive dissonance- An anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes or beliefs.

Perspectives of Postmodernism Word Definitions

The Canon- general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.

DWEMS- Dead white European male. These are dominant in culture and literature.

Phallocentrism – Is a doctrine or belief on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.

post colonialism – It’s a theoretical approach in various disciplines that is concerned with the lasting impact of colonization in former colonies.

Multiculturalism- The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society.

Feminism- The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Eurocentrism- Focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world.

Character drawing Expressions

These are my first draw ups of some expression.
these are the ones I have improved on below.

Collabiration Prop Designs

These are a few prop designs for our collaboration work. 

5 reasons why Dancer in the dark is postmodern

1.      The artificiality of the musical numbers, in turn, plays into another way the conflict between fantasy and reality.
2.      For most of the piece, the film looks bleak, with mostly grey and beige hues filling the screen, its emphasizing the grimness of the real world.
3.      It has controversial themes that are present in the film, such as the illusion of the American Dream and the criticism of the United States.
4.      It uses song-and-dance numbers in any heart wrenching tragedy in recent memory of the main character losing her sight.
5.      The jerky camera movements with rough cuts and natural lightning reminiscent. It’s hard to concentrate and watch the movie.

5 reasons why Funny games US is postmodern

1.       Implicating the Spectator in On-Screen Murder through "Objectification" of Film
2.      It’s very hard to watch and makes the audience feel annoyed and frustrated.
3.      The camera lens is always pulled away from blood and gore, and instead narrowing his focus on fear, Haneke presents his audience with the most disturbing abjection possible, without seeing any of the torture.
4.      The remote scene is hard because you think that one of the boys are dead, then with a click of a button is back alive.
5.      It’s unreal. It makes the audience think that it is all in your head, of how incorrect it really is.

5 reasons why The Truman show is postmodern

1.      It uses contemporary media in this film. In a way it creates commercial imagery.
2.      Urbanization in which Truman is separated from civil life outside of the walls that have been built around him.
3.      The exchange value of the film is not about how well it works it all about money and publicity.
4.      The way hyperrealist is scene in the first act when the light falls from the sky and Truman starts to realise.
5.      He starts felling like his being watched (paranoia) and he starts finding a pattern in his day to day life.

5 reasons why moulin Rouge is postmodern

1.      The music number is over-enforced and hyperbolic
2.      It’s a story in a story
3.      Its shows an act of rejecting the grand narratives to add emphasis
4.      The way the costumes are over the top in your face
5.      The pastiche of many different songs  

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Character design lesson 6

for this one I got given a pirate, which I had to create him as a side kick.
these are just some rough sketches that I quickly drew up.

I got given an existing character from a movie, I got told to make weapons for the character and add them on. I created armour and some weapons. but with more time I can still improve on it. 

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Character drawing leson 5

these are some facial expressions of the character donkey from Shrek. I have tried some expressions but I still need to practice.